Katie made some sausage cheese meatballs to take to Al and Bonnie's who invited us for a pot luck get together.
We went at 4PM, and in all they had 22 people, most of those are friends they made through golfing various leagues. They were going to have everyone outside, but it started to pour rain.
Katie and I knew some of the people, but we also met many new ones. The pot luck was a great success, and the conversation and laughs were fun for all.
Right around 7PM almost everyone except for Katie and I, and Bonnie's sister and her husband left. There was a movie showing in the hall and lots of the people were going to that.
We stayed for awhile and had some more fun, then it was dry off the seats in the golf cart, and back home.
And so ends another great day in the Valley.
more later...
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