Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Tuesday April 7th

Katie and I met Sister Maureen at her residence at 2:00PM. Our friend Dena was there with her husband Fred.

We had a sink and taps, that Sr. Maureen will give to someone. Fred had a kitchen cabinet in the back of his truck. We delivered that to an old lady who only lives a couple of streets away.

Dena came with Sr. Maureen and ourselves, and once we crossed the bridge, Sr. Maureen picked up another couple who were going to see the child they sponsor.

Sr. Maureen dropped us off at our kids place, and said she would come back and pick us up and we would drop off a package we had for Michelle who my brother sponsors, and Ruby who Durga sponsors.

At Erika's house, we learned that Erika was feeling ill. She had been to the Doctor in Rio Bravo. We learned that she may have had a minor heart attack and she is only 35. This may or may not be correct as the real facts often get lost in the translation. Apparently her upper blood pressure was at 200 which is terrible. Erika is very much overweight, and will have to change her eating habits or something serious is likely to happen...not good!

Erika has new house guests. The story is that they are getting away from a bad area where they lived, so now they are living with Erika, even though they really have no room for additional mouths to feed and house. There are one woman, her daughter, and one or two other women.

Katie and I stayed until Sr Maureen picked us up around 6PM, but it was not the usual pleasant experience for us. We basically sat there for the whole time, while all those present spoke spanish which we didn't understand. If it wasn't for the fact that Livy basically didn't leave my side for the whole four hours or so, it was not that much fun to be just sitting there listening to all the rest speak Spanish.

Without the extra people there. it is a more enjoyable experience for us, because we can focus on the kids and them on us, and we always have a lot of fun, and Katie and I leave with big smiles on our faces. That was not really the case yesterday...except for my girl Livy and Karelly at times, we almost felt like outsiders. Livy was great, she sticks to me like glue...she went into the kitchen and tooka cucumber and cut it into slices, Then she took about 4 limes, and used a squeezer to put the juice on top. Then she took some chili power and sprinkled it on the top. Then she decided she was going to feed me and her. I normally don't like cucumber by itself, but this was pretty good, and we had fun.

Lenny came after work, and because he speaks English it was a little better for us. I had bought the girls 3 gigabytes of data for April, but I found out it is already 71 percent used, and that is because there are more people in the house using wifi and therefore the data I got for the girls. his will have to change or they will surely run out before the end of the month. I won't buy more unless I find out it is only our girls who are using the data.  Lenny explained that to Karelly for me, and she yelled out more internet! I hope that helps!

We were glad, when Sr Maureen came to pick us up. Gave the girls big hugs as usual, and said we would be back Thursday.

We went with Sr. Maureen to meet Ruby who is 10 and her family for the first time. They lived in a shack before and when it rained the water in the shack would be up to their shins. They have a new addition added on which is higher so it takes away the water threat. Ruby is adopted, and the family in total is 10. Father works at a pharmacy in town and doesn't drink or smoke and speaks English.
They are a very nice family. Ruby has a great smile

Here is the family that happened to be there, and behind them is the original shack they were living in

After that we went to see Michelle sponsored by my brother, she is the same age as Ruby but so much smaller. We gave her the gifts that came from my brother and sister-in-law, and she was anxious to open the box which was almost as big as her.

Then she came out with her pet rabbit

Mom and her sister are usually there, and although they have next to nothing they are all so friendly and always have smiles on their faces. 

We left there feeling very good.

We didn't get home until the 2nd period of the Jets what a game and another great win and 2nd shutout in a row. One more win or Los Angeles loss and the Jets are in the playoffs.

and so ends another great day in the Valley..

more later...


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Every Year for the past few years, Katie and I journey to Pharr, Texas, where we have a mobile home in Paradise Park. We also sponsor three girls in Nuevo Progeso, Mexico, so they can go to school. We travel to Mexico to see the kids, with Sr. Maureen Crosby who runs the program and our friends Ken and Vickey, who are Sr. Maureen's constant helpers. Starting last year we also go by ourselves several times

photos from past years
