Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Monday April 13th

Time to leave the hotel and head home. No charges this time not even for internet. Usually they charge $11.95 per 24 hour day for one device. This time when you go to he web page to get the wireless they say 2 devices for 24 hours charged to the room, but don't say how much. Looks like enough people have complained, and that is why they now allow two devices.

Funny part is when we went to check out...no charges...o.k. thanks.

We got on the road about 9 after having free breakfast at the hotel restaurant due to the fact we had lots of points. Even had enough points to take home a fresh very large piece of carrot cake which we will use for Katie's birthday, and a lemon slice.

The driving is so easy in terms of traffic from Council Bluffs to Winnipeg, compared to driving in the major cities in Texas.

Only problem was the very strong side and head wind almost all the way home. This caused the gas gauge to drop in a hurry. It was like gas was being soaked up in a sponge. Probably only meant stopping for one fill extra, but it was obvious while you were driving. It also meant fighting a bit with the wheel almost the whole way home. Glad though that I was not pulling a 5th wheel or travel trailer!

We stopped when we wanted, and stopped at Costco in Fargo. We have been thinking of getting a new TV as our 37" Panasonic Plasma which we bought several years ago is due for an upgrade, especially seeing the Jets have made the playoffs and football season is coming up.

We found a Vizio 4k Ultra which had an instant manufacturer's rebate of $130. The good part about Costco is the 2 year warranty. They don't sell the Vizio's at the Costco's in Canada. We figure by buying in the US we saved about $300 and one of the two taxes in Manitoba, as well as saving the green tax...and who knows where that money goes in the Government coffers?

For those of you who don't know, if you make certain types of purchases you may be able to claim back the North Dakota sales tax. We will try and do that, which will make the purchase even better.


We got to the border around 6:30, and there were several cars in both lanes. Not a bad wait though, and after answering only what was asked, we were waived through. The truck in front of us was pulled in...I saw him waiving a bunch of receipts, which is not a wise thing to do unless you are actually asked for them.

We didn't have lunch so we were very hungry. We stopped at Diane's pizza on St. Annes Rd. There was no one in the restaurant. The pizza is great, you order the way you want it, it is just expensive, which is probably why the restaurant was empty.

One of the girls working there, was talking with her boyfriend who just arrived, and he had lost his phone. Lots of discussions about what to do and he searched his car about three times. He was going to leave for the last time, when I suggested that he go out to his car and have his girlfriend call his phone, and if it was in there he would hear it ring. Instead he took her phone and went outside, and in a few minutes he was back in all smiles, and his girlfriend said to say thank you, which he did. It was actually on the dashboard where he says he never leaves it...duh.

Then it was a short drive home, unpacked the car in a couple of trips, and unpack some more in the Condo.

Relax a bit and then bed.

Don't know if there will be more later...been writing the blog for the last 3 years. Many folks say they enjoy it, but it is a lot of work, especially when travelling, as I feel an obligation once I start it to keep it up in a timely manner. If I get behind a couple of days, I have to say to Katie "so what did we do Monday etc?" It sometimes becomes a bit of a blur.

We also do mainly the same things every year, just in different order or different ways. Those of you that really read, probably know as much of our Mexican family and the other Mexican kids in the neighborhood as we do.

I may take one year off next year...and then take it from there.

Katie posts pictures on facebook, and those tell a story in themselves. I may make a few comments as well, just not in as much detail as on the blog, that's for sure.

So....Hope you have enjoyed the 2015 Texas/Mexican adventure! That is the sole purpose for writing it! Thanks for taking the time to read!

And so ends another great trip to Texas and Mexico! We had a great time, but we miss our girls!

maybe or maybe not more later...in the future...



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About Us

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Every Year for the past few years, Katie and I journey to Pharr, Texas, where we have a mobile home in Paradise Park. We also sponsor three girls in Nuevo Progeso, Mexico, so they can go to school. We travel to Mexico to see the kids, with Sr. Maureen Crosby who runs the program and our friends Ken and Vickey, who are Sr. Maureen's constant helpers. Starting last year we also go by ourselves several times

photos from past years
