At 12:30PM Katie and I went to the Echo Hotel in Edinburg for the Easter Brunch. Dana had made reservations for a whole bunch of us from the park. This hotel has a very good reputation for their food and their reasonable prices. The brunch price went up today from it's usual $8.95 to $20, because it is an Easter Brunch.
There are several rooms, and the main room has huge windows which overlook the pool area. It is very bright and very large.
There were a lot of people there, one man said he has been coming there for 20 years and this is the most people he has seen yet. Word of good places spread.
Katie and I got to our reserved table first, then the others arrived.
We had iced tea, then went to the salad bar. Even though the lineups seemed were long, they moved pretty quickly. After salad we went for the meat section. Ham, Roast Beef and many other items were on the buffet line.
The food was very good, and we enjoyed it. Good conversation at the table as usual.
After the buffet, Katie and I ran some errands, some stores were closed but others were open...of course Walmart was open and very busy.
Later at night Katie and I went for a walk. It was a full moon and shining brightly, a beautiful sight!

We walked by the pool area...
No one in the pool and one man coming out of the hot tub. It was a beautiful night, and normally there would be more people, but a lot of them have already left to go home.
Katie and I finished our walk, and then headed home to relax.
And so ends another great day in the Valley!
more later...
I hope you & Katie had a good easter Uncle Jim