Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Tuesday March 31st

Ah yes! We're going to see the girls today!

Katie and I walked over the bridge, down the street and into Barbie Pharmacy for 1PM. Lenny was there and he phoned our family to come and get us. There was no answer to the phone. Katie and I waited a bit, then gave Lenny my cell phone number so he could phone us when they showed up, this had been pre-arranged. Stupid me! No good in giving Lenny my Tmobile number which does not work in Mexico.

Katie and I didn't feel like Pizza, so instead we headed to the Red Snapper down the street. We ordered a cheeseburger and fries. When it came, we found the cheeseburger was really good, and we ate the ten french fries on the plate no problem. I don't know why but Mexicans do not seem to like to put a log of fries on the plate. Who could complain though? $3.50 for the plate. The other thing that is interesting is that in most of these restaurants, the waiters are dressed in black pants, crisp white shirts and black bow ties. They hover close so they can take care of whatever you need. When you pay your bill and walk to the exit, they escort you and hold the door open for you. North American service personnel could certainly take a lesson.

We started to walk down the street, and we heard a car horn honk. There was our little Livy waving us over to a car we did not recognize. It was a friend of Erika's driving, and she took us to the house.

Erika was home with some of her friends, and the girls are off school this week and next, which works out perfectly for us, as we are down to 10 days before liftoff.

We had a blast with the kids, playing Mexican style bingo, with Mexican words and pictures, skipping rope outside with the kids, and going for a walk with Livy, who holds our hands the whole way. That child is amazing, and I can tell you that no matter what child we were lucky enough to sponsor, I can guarantee that there would be no one that could match her for being fun loving, being affectionate, and being sensitive and considerate. She is Awesome! When mom was driving us back to the bridge she was sitting in the back seat with me, playing with her tablet, and all of a sudden she is kissing my hand over and over for no particular reason, just for fun and being affectionate. Funny part is that Katie does the same thing from time to time.

I wanted to find out if Erika's phone which is on the Movistar network would function as a hotspot for the girl's tablets. Just couldn't get it to work though.

The phone I got them on the Telcel network, functions as a hotspot pretty well, but the data is expensive. I have not decided what to do about this issue yet, but better get it sorted out pretty soon.

Katie and I came home and watched the Jets game. Pretty good game but disappointed that they lost with a little over 3 minutes to go in the game.

And so ends another great day in the Valley!

more later...


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About Us

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Every Year for the past few years, Katie and I journey to Pharr, Texas, where we have a mobile home in Paradise Park. We also sponsor three girls in Nuevo Progeso, Mexico, so they can go to school. We travel to Mexico to see the kids, with Sr. Maureen Crosby who runs the program and our friends Ken and Vickey, who are Sr. Maureen's constant helpers. Starting last year we also go by ourselves several times

photos from past years
