Friday, April 10, 2015

Thursday April 9th

Katie and I were supposed to go to Mexico for the last time, and were dreading it because we would have to say goodbye to our girls. Last year on the bridge you needed a mop for all the tears that were flowing...all except for Eric who didn't know any different.

Kate developed a Migraine headache which she gets fairly often, and it is really hard on her. She often loses part of her sight and ends up with an extremely heavy head. She has had these since she was 12. a consequence we could not go to Mexico. So we sent the kids facebook messages, and I looked over at Katie and she had tears streaming down her face. I did as well when I wrote mine. We also sent one to Lenny so that we could make sure they knew we were unable to come.

Around 5, we went to Al and Bonnie's for supper, as we had virtually nothing left in the fridge. How considerate of them to invite us. Katie was somewhat better but still had the after effects.

We are leaving tomorrow for home, so we will not see the girls until next year. How sad!

I'd like to say...and so ends another great day in the Valley!...but not really in this case.

more later...


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About Us

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Every Year for the past few years, Katie and I journey to Pharr, Texas, where we have a mobile home in Paradise Park. We also sponsor three girls in Nuevo Progeso, Mexico, so they can go to school. We travel to Mexico to see the kids, with Sr. Maureen Crosby who runs the program and our friends Ken and Vickey, who are Sr. Maureen's constant helpers. Starting last year we also go by ourselves several times

photos from past years
