Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Monday March 16th

Because we couldn't visit the kids on Saturday because Karelly was sick, we decided to go today and go earlier than normal at 11AM. The kids were off school today.

Erika dropped the kids off at the pharmacy where Lenny works. We took the girls to a salon where Lenny's niece works, to get their nails done.

They took a long time and did a good job.

This little girl comes into the Salon selling bracelets. Funny happening...there was a man waiting on a chair in the corner waiting for his wife to get her feet done. The little girl came in and asked him if he wanted one of her bracelets, as they always do with chiclets etc. He just stared at her instead of saying "no thankyou". So what did she do? she just kept staring at him. This went on and on with him just staring at her and she at him. No kidding...it went on for at least 3 or 4 minutes. Finally she turned to me, and I said "no thank you", and Katie snapped a picture of her...

Here is a picture of Lenny and I at the Pharmacy where he works...

Then we took the girls and Lenny to the pizza restaurant. The kids always like it there.

Good Pizza here
me and my mi ninas

It was wet on the street but no rain

When we were walking on the street with the girls, there were several Military Vehicles going down the street full of Mexican Marines with machine guns, and mounted machine guns in the back of the vehicles.

It is Winter Texan Appreciation Day on Saturday...and I think the Marines were there as a show of force as a prevention measure...in other words "don't come here and think you are going to cause any problems...because you're not!" Word gets around very quickly.

They also stationed themselves at the bridge where traffic enters the bridge to enter Nuevo Progreso.

Erica picked us up and we went back to the Casa for awhile. I was having a bit of trouble getting the girls internet working right, so I brought the phone, which serves as a hotspot, home for a day.

Katie was outside playing with Eric with a soft football we brought him.

When it was time to go, we saw Juan who is a dentist in Progreso, and we hadn't seen him since last year. He lives just on another street from the kids, and Livario often does some work for him. It was good to see him, and he speaks very good English.

Off we went to the bridge, then it was home for Katie and I. We just vegged for the rest of the night as we both had sleeps which were not so good the previous night. We were just plain tired.

and so ends another great day in the Valley!

more later...


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About Us

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Every Year for the past few years, Katie and I journey to Pharr, Texas, where we have a mobile home in Paradise Park. We also sponsor three girls in Nuevo Progeso, Mexico, so they can go to school. We travel to Mexico to see the kids, with Sr. Maureen Crosby who runs the program and our friends Ken and Vickey, who are Sr. Maureen's constant helpers. Starting last year we also go by ourselves several times

photos from past years
