Sunday, March 29, 2015

Saturday March 28th

Today is the surprise party for Erika. Katie and I have no idea how Livario and the kids are going to pull it off.

We went to the Pharmacy for 4PM. Lenny phoned Karelly to come and get us. We were surprised when the van appeared on the main street and Edith who is 16 or 17 was driving and Karelly was with her. What we discovered was that Edith is a very good driver.

When we arrived at the house, Erika was not there, she was at a friends, and everything was set up for the big surprise. The house was all decorated inside with balloons, and tables and chairs set up for people to eat later. Livario and Karelly, and Joanna's brother, and some other friends were busy, and they brought a barbeque on wheels and they already had it going and had a small pig in it.

Many of Erika's friends started arriving, and pretty soon everyone was ready for the surprise greeting when Erika came home with her other friends. Here was the result when Erika walked in the door and everyone yelled "surprise".

Erika was in tears, and you could tell she was really "surprised". Edith is the girls in the while T with red on the front.

Of course, confetti is very popular and the kids get a big kick out of it

What a great job Livario and the kids did on the decorations and set up!

This is dinner

After dinner some posed pictures...the girl on the right is named "America" what a great name, she goes to school in McAllen and she speaks very good english as does her brother on the left. America's mom is also in the picture.

Enrique and his wife later gave us a ride back to the US and our car, we appreciated that!

Joanna's brother and his little guy on the left. He always has a smile on his face

Joanna and her new husband Danny. They got married in February

If I don't put means I don't know them

Edith's mom is in the center...Katie and I really like her, she is always smiling and very friendly

We found out it is Erika Ivonne

Time for cake!

Time to wear the cake!

my precious little one!

Great picture of Katie and Erika

Livario and I

Livy was full of energy

I think you know these people

Later on there was some dancing. Livario likes to dance, so he and Erika started it. Then it was Livy and I, Karelly and I, and Livario and I. Yes I said Livario and I, and I had to try and follow not lead. I was having a hard time, so I purposely gave him a little kick to his foot. Katie laughed so hard she had tears streaming down her face.

Later on, after the cake and fun, several people decided to leave about the same time. They went outside but within a few minutes, they were back inside and saying that gunfire was heard. It was amazing to see, almost all of them got on their phones and started phoning people they knew, or family members to find out what was going on. Katie and I were going to leave then also, but one of the ladies told us that we should wait, until they knew it was over. 

One could tell the kids were frightened, Livy sat on Katie's lap and never left it. Karelly indicated to me that her heart was beating faster. Livario said that he wanted to get his family out of here and be somewhere it is safer.

It didn't take too long for them to determine that the shots were not in Nuevo Progreso, but somewhere outside of town. Rio Bravo is only about 20 minutes away...and sounds carry well at night.

Not to long after, it was determined it was safe to leave, Enrique and his wife graciously invited Katie and I to go back to the US with them. We went to pick up their daughter first, and she speaks English as she goes to school in Weslaco, and they live there. Katie and I wish we could get the family into the US legally, and have the kids go to school so they could also learn English well. It would give them such a leg up on life. We will go what we can to help them do that, but getting a US visa legally is not a very easy process, and often impossible.

Enrique dropped us off at our car. Katie and I drove home.

and so ends another great day in the Valley!

more later...


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Every Year for the past few years, Katie and I journey to Pharr, Texas, where we have a mobile home in Paradise Park. We also sponsor three girls in Nuevo Progeso, Mexico, so they can go to school. We travel to Mexico to see the kids, with Sr. Maureen Crosby who runs the program and our friends Ken and Vickey, who are Sr. Maureen's constant helpers. Starting last year we also go by ourselves several times

photos from past years
